ตู้สาขาโทรศัพท์ NEC SL2100 ตู้สาขาขนาดเล็กถึงขนาดกลาง ราคาประหยัด

ทำไมต้องตู้สาขาโทรศัพท์ NEC SL2100 ?

ตู้สาขาโทรศัพท์ โทรศัพท์สำนักงาน NEC SL2100 เป็นระบบอัจฉริยะ IP PBX / PABX ที่ทาง NEC ได้พัฒนาขึ้นมาใหม่ ซึ่งมีความสามารถในการปรับเปลี่ยนฟังก์ชั่นสำหรับ ความต้องการทางธุรกิจที่เกิดขึ้นทันทีและเกิดขึ้นใหม่ ครอบคลุมทั้งวิสาหกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อมและ สำนักงานขนาดเล็กสำนักงานในบ้าน


Built-in features include:

  • > Web-Based Unified Communication Client

  • > VoIP Enabled

  • > Unified Messaging

  • > Music on Hold

  • > Mobility / BYOD / Remote Extension

  • > Auto Attendant

  • > Audio Conferencing

  • > Video Conferencing & Collaboration

  • > And more!


Value for money

Powerful communications with a small business price tag that allows you to pay only for what you need. Completely scalable as your business grows.


Keep connected

Single number reach, mobile smart phone apps, built-in web based conferencing and unified messaging keeps colleagues and customers up-to-date and connected.


Easy to use

Intuitive applications and features your whole team can easily use to empower them to be more productive.


Safety first

Built-in apps like InGuard can be configured to help protect your business from melicious toll fraud attacks.

Connecting your team, connecting your customers


1 > Internal Sales Person
The Auto-Attendant feature means that callers receive a greeting and are routed to the correct department, ensuring that I only get the calls that are meant for me.

2 > Receptionist
With Caller ID displayed on my terminal, I can give the appropriate greeting to callers and redirect calls from familiar numbers without answering, somebody who is busy on a call.

3 > Security Guard
The door-phone functionality makes it easy for me to know who is visiting and open the door via my terminal.

4 > Office Worker
The conference feature allows me to effortlessly set up a virtual meeting for colleagues at short notice, wherever they are. This enables faster business decisions, as well as saving traveling time and expenses.

5 > Remote/Home Worker
I can use my desktop phone or softphone at a remote or home office location to communicate with customers and colleagues with the same ease as if I were in the office.

6 > IT Manager
Its easier than ever to manage our system settings. Drag-and-drop functionality provides an error free way of building call groups, which is useful for when staff move desks, leave or join the company.

Built-in Applications

NEC SL2100 now includes an expanded and diverse portfolio of InApps. As well as providing compelling business benefits, these built-in/on-board apps require no external PC or server - making them highly cost effective and reliable.


InUC - Built-in collaboration

In today's working environment, employees can be working in various locations. InUC is a unified communications application providing Video conferencing, collaboration, document sharing, presence and instant messaging for any business of up to 112 users. Utilizing WebRTC (Real-Time Communications) - InUC provides highly cost-effective video and collaboration working seamlessly within your IT environment.


InGuard - Get Secure

InGuard is an effective, low cost solution to help protect a business against the rise of toll fraud attacks. Toll Fraud is a fraudulent attempt by a hacker to gain unlawful remote access to a phone system. Attacks are often highly organized from an automated server and once accessed, fraudulent calls are connected and over a period of time, can run up call charges of potentially thousands.

Smart Mobility Options By NEC SL2100

Today's mobile workers depend on communication tools that accommodate flexible workspaces and allow free roaming wherever they are. NEC SL2100 ensures your team stay connected, but without the escalating business mobile costs.

Away from the office

Users can enjoy a complete phone user experience from their home office plus greater working flexibility. Individual and business benefits include the cost and time savings of travel and even the associated costs of workspace. IP Desktop terminals provide access to system features from the home, e.g. company directory, call transfer and more.

On the road

Use your existing Smartphone as a system extension complete with call control. Save on mobile call costs and remain reachable on a single number. The Smartphone

SIP App simply connects to the NEC SL2100 via Wi-Fi or across the Mobile Data Network (3G/4G). If the smartphone is not connected due to lack of Network, the NEC SL2100 can provide roaming by routing calls to your GSM number.


NEC SL2100 System Overview


NEC SL2100 Multi-line Terminals


NEC SL2100 Communications Server


NEC SL2100 8 Button Self-Labeling IP Telephone

> VoIP NEC I-SIP Multi-Line Telephone for NEC SL2100
> Supports Ethernet Gigabit Speed (Full Duplex)
> 8 Programmable Keys Visible at a Time (May Scroll Up to 32)
> Programmable Button Labels
> Powered via PoE


ศูนย์บริการ ตู้สาขาโทรศัพท์ ซ่อมตู้สาขาโทรศัพท์ ติดตั้งตู้สาขาโทรศัพท์ เซ็ตอัพโปรแกรมตู้สาขาโทรศัพท์ ย้ายตู้สาขาโทรศัพท์ โทรศัพท์ภายใน PABX Panasonic NEC Forth Phonik โทรศัพท์ IpPhone Sangoma PABX เดินสายโทรศัพท์ภายใน ซ่อมสายโทรศัพท์ภายใน เดินสาย LAN เซ็ตอัพระบบ Network ซ่อมระบบ Network ติดตั้งกล้องวงจรปิด งานระบบสื่อสารทุกชนิด

รายละเอียดตู้สาขาโทรศัพท์ Panasonic NEC